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White Sheet

Stoney Road Press


Bringing your students to Stoney Road Press to witness real work printers in action is an excellent way to inspire and enhance their own artwork. The experience of observing the intricate and complex process of printmaking can be an invaluable learning opportunity that can deepen their appreciation of the craft and give them a fresh perspective on their own creative endeavors.

Before your visit, it would be helpful to prepare your students by introducing them to the history and techniques of printmaking. This can help them understand the significance of the process and the various materials and tools used in printmaking. You may also want to discuss the various types of printing techniques, such as etching, lithography, and screen printing, to give your students a better idea of what they can expect to see.

During the visit, encourage your students to ask questions and engage with the printers to get a better understanding of the process. They may be fascinated by the various stages of the printmaking process, such as preparing the plate, inking, and printing

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