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Community practice in school

Community practice in school - art class" refers to various activities that promote collaboration, creativity, and a sense of belonging among students in the art class. These practices include collaborative art projects, critique sessions, art exhibitions, art clubs, and service projects. By engaging in these activities, students can build a stronger sense of community within the art class, develop important skills such as teamwork and communication, and feel more connected to their peers

I recently had the opportunity to work with some junior cycle students and the science department on a local landmark clean-up project at the Hellfire Club in the Dublin Mountains. Together, we worked hard to clear the area of any litter or debris to help preserve the environment and make the landmark more appealing for visitors. As part of the project, we also created seed bombs filled with native seeds to the Dublin mountains, which we threw back into the environment to promote the growth of local flora. This was a great way for us to give back to nature and learn more about the importance of taking care of our natural surroundings.


Working on the local landmark clean-up project with the junior cycle students and the science department was an eye-opening experience for me. Not only did we get to work together to clear the area of any litter and debris, but we also had the opportunity to give back to nature by creating seed bombs filled with native seeds to the Dublin mountains. Seeing how our actions could help preserve the environment and promote the growth of local flora made me realize the importance of taking care of our natural surroundings.

The project also taught me the value of working together as a team. By collaborating with others, we were able to achieve our goals more efficiently and effectively. It was inspiring to see how everyone came together, contributed their unique skills and ideas, and worked towards a common goal.

Overall, this project was a great way for me to get involved in the local community, learn more about the environment, and make a positive impact. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such a dedicated group of individuals and look forward to future opportunities to give back to our natural surroundings.

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